Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Anna Uhls at the Post

Anna Uhls ’07 began working at washingtonpost.com in August. First hired as an editor in the Interactivity section, she worked with reader involvement and contribution to the site, including commenting, discussions, blogging, and new applications. This also allowed her to work on future innovative and exciting projects for the booming section on the site.
About a month after she began, a position in the Politics section opened at washingtonpost.com. After interviewing, she got the job, and now splits her hours between Interactivity and Politics. She is thrilled with the opportunity to work with the editors and reporters on the politics team at the WashPost during such an exciting time in Washington.
But more importantly, last week at the WaPo T-shirt Contest, she got the honorary award (it didn't exist until she got there) of "Nerdiest" for her X-Files “Trust No One” shirt. She thinks she should have won “Sweetest.”

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